The Spartan – October

Leaving his natural surroundings we shall be welcoming The Spartan from Manchester to Edinburgh at the start of October.

A straight, dominant 25yr old male he shall be available for bookings in Edinburgh on the 5th and 6th October.

You can get more information from his web site or his Twitter and also get details on his availability in Glasgow on the 3rd and 4th October.

That's a very short two days so if your interested in either  single session or perhaps a double with Mistress Inka then use the form below to get in touch.

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Please outline the type of session you are looking for and an indication of date/time.

[learn_more caption="Ask about a session with the Spartan.."] This visit has now past and you should contact the Spartan through his web site link below [/learn_more]

Spartans website:

Phone/Txt: 07794 947 561