Medical Room

At the back of the dungeon you will find our dedicated medical room with a sterlising unit and various implements for sounding and other medical procedures.

As well as being extremely well equipped particular care is taken to ensure the maximum levels of hygeine and cleanliness and all items are fully cleaned and sterlised in a dedicated medical standard sterilising unit.

[box type="warning"]Discussing what procedures you are interested in with your mistress prior to arrival for your session will ensure all necessary equipment is ready and will prevent time wasting during your appointment whilst materials are prepared.[/box]

If you would like to arrange a session or contact a mistress to discuss please use the form below. You can also make a general enquiry or ask any details on particular medical equipment to ensure that your desired procedures are both suitable and available. If you wish to make use of the medical facilities please indicate this when making a private hire. The sterilisation unit will be activated in advance of your arrival to ensure materials are ready and available for your session.

[learn_more caption="Contact Us"]

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