Mistress Bibianne 21st-22nd-July

Paying us a flying visit from the sunny plains of Barcelona we welcome Mistress Bibianne for Her first visit to the Maison.

Joining for only a short two days Friday 21st and Saturday 22nd July, Mistress Bibianne offers a range of BDSM services, more information from the link to Her web site below. She is also fluent in Spanish, English and Catalan so expect no communication difficulties, you will be told what to do.

To discuss a session whilst the Mistress is here you may contact through any of the methods below. With such a short stopover opportunities are obviously limited so delay is not recommended.

Web: mistressb.es
Email: infomistressb@proton.me
WhatsApp: +34 644 772 788
Twitter: @MistressBibian1