Mistress Katerina 7th-13th June

We are delighted to be welcoming back Mistress Katerina who is travelling north to accompany Princess Bella and the rest of the Maison staff to Torture Garden, Edinburgh on 8th June. If you're there come say hello.

Her home base in Birmingham has recently experienced the exquisite combination of the Mistress with our own Princess Bella and the two like nothing better than the opportunity of working together.

Now Edinburgh has a whole week to sample the cocktail from the blend of these two beautiful Mistresses. Solo is of course available however you know it's a double you really want.

To make arrangements you should contact either of the two ladies through their email links below.

Web: mistresskaterina.co.uk
Twitter: @Katerina_the_G
Email: mistresskaterinathegreat@gmail.com
Email: serveprincessbella@protonmail.com