Scarlett Thorne in Edinburgh this week

Hangovers have only just receded from our Friday night taster evening, expect more info about this soon, but nothing stands still long at the Maison.

This week we welcome the ever stunning London Mistress Scarlett Thorne who shall be available this Thursday, 14th December, and will be staying with us all the way through to Monday, 18th December.

She is available for sessions in Edinburgh throughout this period and doubles with our own Mistress Inka are always something a bit special.

You can contact the Mistress directly BY TEXT to make arrangements on 07910 47 66 39.

MistressSaphireEdinburghDecemberThe gorgeous Mistress Saphire still has a few spaces left in her busy Edinburgh schedule on the afternoon of the 14th for single and double sessions with Mistress Sheba.

To contact the Mistress directly she can be reached onĀ 07505678910

An all too fleeting visit with Mistress Sheba and we look forward to seeing them both back in Edinburgh in 2018.

To get more information on any of the mistresses you can visit their respective web sites, links below.

Web Sites

Mistress Scarlett Thorne
Mistress Saphire
Mistress Sheba